Rate the Ace Attorney case: The Grand Turnabout (E2-5)

Board 8

As for E2-5, I'll give it an 8.5/10.

The first half of the case is super hit or miss. The trial in particular is some of the dumbest stuff in any epic case. The Sebastian moment at the end is excellent, but it can't redeem how bad the rest of it is.

But once we finally move past it, the case gets really, really good. I loved finding out the truth of what happened to the president (Fall of the House of Lang is such a good song) and the reveal of the anti-Yatagarasu.

The big bad reveal is also really good, and while the showdown is long, it feels earned and doesn't drag like with Alba. The ending is a bit anticlimactic if you're playing it after Dual Destinies (as many people did out of necessity because of the fan translation), but this game really cements Edgeworth as an all-time great character. The journey is worth it for that alone.