Board 8 Watches and Ranks 80s Horror - Pt. 2: 80s Revenge

Board 8

I was going to rant about Siskel and Ebert's weird take on Beetlejuice, but I'll save that for when the movie drops. For now I'll mention more relevantly that Gene repeatedly brought up Silence of the Lambs in interviews as an instance where he knew he was in the minority in panning, and when it came out he compared it unfavorably to Henry, Portrait of a Serial Killer because he insisted serial killers should be dull. Not open, much? I feel like both of them were caught off-guard by the movie to an extent since even Ebert initially "only" rated the movie 3.5/4 stars before re-rating it 4 stars when inducting it into his Great Movies list, so maybe Gene would have similarly upped his rating from 2 stars to 2.5...not that it would have mattered mind. Makes me curious what he would have thought of Hannibal or Red Dragon, yeesh. Gene did rave about Manhunter when it came out fwiw.

Also I did see James A. Janisse's Kill Counts for Silence of the Lambs and Hannibal recently, Seen the former movie once myself, almost a decade ago. I remember liking it a lot but don't feel particularly compelled to revisit it.
Why do people act like the left is the party of social justice crusaders?