Board 8 Watches and Ranks 80s Horror - Pt. 2: 80s Revenge

Board 8

Rockus - I cant think of another film thats quite like this one. So much of it is unsettling because of how things just feel slightly off, from curious performance choices to the way the camera will often float around a space like some omniscient entity observing the lives of these people, detached but perhaps with some kind of power over them. Its also the kind of film I feel will have more to offer on repeated viewings because the themes here have a lot of layers to them. Like its themes on possession, and not just a kind of demonic possession that the title may allude to but the way the men in the film attempt to exert themselves as the dominant possessor in the tangle affairs taking place in the film. Its location and setting in a fractured Berlin adds yet another layer as well. A fascinating and bold film that I think will only improve on more viewings.

Fortybelowsummer - Well, going into this I never anticipated that Id watch a demonic possession scene that makes the Exorcist look like a Key and Peele sketch. Its hard to put into words how agonizingly uncomfortable that scene in the tunnel is and its one of those moments that leaves a permanent imprint. Isabelle Adjani (who Id never heard of before) gives an absolutely insane performance, not just as the wife descending into madness but as her much less demonically inclined doppelganger. The other performers are right there with her (I never knew Sam Niell had that in him), shouting and gesticulating and expressing in a manic way that feels at first like overacting but ends up being totally mesmerizing. The real horror here isnt the evolving tentacled being (although yes, that thing is fucked up (NOTE: EDITED FOR GFAQS CENSOR)) but the collapse of relationships and the psychic violence that people are capable of inflicting on each other. I loved this movie, and it was the biggest pleasant surprise of the new-to-me films.

Johnbobb - How the hell am I supposed to rank this when I have no idea what the hell just happened. Nobody in this movie knows how to act and very little of it made sense but I do like weird shit in my movies so

Bitto - Rating: C-

This movie feels artsy. Like...comically artsy. There are scenes where it feels like the director goes "OK,'re going to argue with Mark in this scene, but also do really weird, jerky handgestures. And Mark, don't react to this at all." Or the director says "OK, Mark, you're going to call on the phone and then spin around in a circle." Sometimes, it works. The 4 minute scene of Anna screaming in a subway is...compelling, even when I did not care at all for all the screaming that happened before this. But for the most part, it doesn't. It was really hard for me to understand or relate or care about Mark or Anna. Like I just don't get them as characters. Anna just seems about sex and that's it. Mark seems to go from acting kinda mature to scremaing to flirting with women he hates to buddying up with Heimrich to laughing at inappropriate things. I actually do like Heimrich, he's an interesting character to watch and I like his arc. I'll give it this: this is probably the movie in this gauntlet that I thought about the most after it ended. I probably would have rated this at 27, but it rose up nearly 10 ranks just because I think it's the most thought-provoking film here.

Jcgamer107 - 2/10

Inviso - What the fuck is this movie? This is SO fucking European I cant stand it. The first forty minutes of the movie are some extremely uncomfortable scenes of a broken marriage that devolves into screaming and physical abuse, with almost nothing supernatural or entertaining to offset how fucking terrible that is. And just to further that thoughtbut the level of high-pitched shrieking that occurs in this film is fucking INSANE. Even at 50% volume, I still felt like my eardrums were getting blown out, like in the tunnel scene where Anna just has a full-blown freak out.

Beyond that though, NO ONE in this movie acts like a sane or rational person. Everyone is JUST off-putting enough that I couldnt find myself connecting with or enjoying ANYONE in the movie. You have Mark, who comes across as bipolar and violent; Anna is insane; Heinrich is douchey and smug, and these are the major characters we deal with throughout the film. And I could buy into all of that because the movies title is fucking POSSESSION. It makes SENSE that people would act unnaturally. But then the plot is just so convoluted and nonsensical, even for a supernatural movieand I cant tell who is supposed to be possessed at any given time, and who is just naturally an asshole.

So Mark hires a PI to track his wife because he thinks shes having a SECOND affair beyond the first one with Heinrich. The PI tracks her down and discovers that she has a second apartment where shes raising a weird, bloody mutant creature. Which I THINK is supposed to be the surviving remnants of her tunnel freakout miscarriage? Anyway, the PI gets murdered by the wife, and then a second detective is also murdered when he finds the creature. Then Heinrich finds the creature, freaks out and gets stabbed, and for SOME REASON he calls the man he cucked to try and help him. Needless to say, Heinrich gets murderedand then so is Annas best friend for unexplained reasonsand this all leads to a weird Mark clone showing up as the fully-formed end result of the miscarriage monster. Everyone dies, and Anna/Marks son comically throws himself into a full bathroom to drown, and I have no idea what the fuck any of it was supposed to be. Its baffling, and its TWO HOURS LONG. For FUCKS sake.
I've decided to put my fears behind me. I'm not going back.
If you're gonna scream, scream with me