Board 8 Watches and Ranks 80s Horror - Pt. 2: 80s Revenge

Board 8

In terms of the best acting performances on this list:

  • Andy Barclay (Child's Play) - This one stands out to me, because it would have been SO easy to just cast a kid to do the bare minimum and just fill this role. I mean, the main selling point of the movie is Brad Douriff as Chucky, so who cares about the kid? Yet Alex Vincent does a damn good job for a YOUNG child actor having to effectively serve as the main protagonist of the movie. He sells Child's Play as the (far and away, in my opinion) best intro film to a long-running franchise on this list.
  • Barbara Maitland & Delia Deitz (Beetlejuice) - Geena Davis is the heart and soul of this film, and sells the everyman status of the couple far better than Alec Baldwin does, and meanwhile, Catherine O'Hara manages to be over-the-top obnoxious to sell why she's one of the "villains", while still having a charm to her character that lights up the screen whenever she's around.
  • John Smith (The Dead Zone) - Before he became a walking punchline, Christopher Walken was considered a really good actor. And him playing this character as completely detached and shellshocked, and stuck in a horrible situation...he does a great job.
Inviso thinks all starters should be Fire/Fighting.