Board 8 Watches and Ranks 80s Horror - Pt. 2: 80s Revenge

Board 8

Final Outlier
Inviso - 248
Jcgamer107 - 231
Fortybelowsummer - 218
Evilordexdeath - 216
Karo - 196
Johnbobb - 180
Snake - 165
Bitto - 164
Mythiot - 150
Seginustemple - 146
Rockus - 140
Lightning - 136
Plasmabeam - 136

Vis pulls off outlier pretty handily with Forty definitely getting more in line with the crowd as the project went on. Never too much changing in the bottom half however!

I'd like to thank everyone who participated and discussed along the way! This was an absolute blast to run and I'm glad I stepped up and hosted it! Horror is as many of you know my biggest passion and I just enjoy introducing new films to people whether they like them or not!
I've decided to put my fears behind me. I'm not going back.
If you're gonna scream, scream with me