Board 8 Watches and Ranks 80s Horror - Pt. 2: 80s Revenge

Board 8

super quick every Stephen King movie ranking I've seen:

  1. The Green Mile
  2. Misery
  3. The Shining
  4. The Shawshank Redemption
  5. 1408
  6. The Mist
  7. It (modern)
  8. It (original)
  9. Doctor Sleep
  10. Carrie
  11. Rose Red
  12. Children of the Corn (the original, I've seen some of the dumb sequels but couldn't tell you which is which)
  13. Desperation
  14. The Dead Zone
  15. Christine
  16. Pet Sematary
  17. In the Tall Grass
  18. Gerald's Game
  19. Cujo
  20. Needful Things
  21. Maximum Overdrive
  22. Thinner
  23. Creepshow
  24. Pet Sematary remake
Khal Kirby , warlord of the Super Star Khalasar
PSN/Steam: CheddarBBQ