Board 8 Watches and Ranks 80s Horror - Pt. 2: 80s Revenge

Board 8

Well I had to do it too

  1. The Mist
  2. The Shawshank Redemption
  3. Misery
  4. It (1990)
  5. The Green Mile
  6. Gerald's Game
  7. Dolores Claiborne
  8. Carrie (1978)
  9. The Shining (1980)
  10. Stand by Me
  11. 1408
  12. Salem's Lot (1979)
  13. The Stand (1994)
  14. Creepshow
  15. Cujo
  16. 1922
  17. Doctor Sleep
  18. Hearts in Atlantis
  19. The Night Flier
  20. The Dark Half
  21. Pet Sematary
  22. It (2017)
  23. The Running Man
  24. The Dead Zone
  25. Christine
  26. It Chapter Two
  27. Castle Rock
  28. Needful Things
  29. Cat's Eye
  30. The Langoliers
  31. Dreamcatcher
  32. The Tommyknockers
  33. Kingdom Hospital
  34. Secret Window
  35. Maximum Overdrive
  36. Rose Red
  37. In the Tall Grass
  38. Thinner
  39. Creepshow 2
  40. Desperation
  41. Storm of the Century
  42. Sometimes They Come Back
  43. Pet Sematary Two
  44. The Rage: Carrie 2
  45. Bag of Bones
  46. Carrie (2013)
  47. Creepshow (TV series)
  48. Sometimes They Come Back... Again
  49. The Mangler
  50. Firestarter (1984)
  51. Children of the Corn
  52. A Return to Salem's Lot
  53. Silver Bullet
  54. The Mist (2017)
  55. Trucks
  56. Sleepwalkers
  57. Under the Dome
  58. The Dark Tower
  59. Pet Sematary (2019)
  60. The Lawnmower Man
  61. The Shining (1997)
  62. Creepshow 3
  63. Firestarter (2022)
Not confident in this at all btw! Except for the top.
I've decided to put my fears behind me. I'm not going back.
If you're gonna scream, scream with me