Board 8 Watches and Ranks 80s Horror - Pt. 2: 80s Revenge

Board 8

Compatibility sheet:

Green for exact matches/1-offs and red for biggest gaps.

Fun Stats:

Best Buds: Lightning and Mythiot at 142 points.
Biggest Rivals: Evilordexdeath and Inviso at 358 points.
Most Friends: Lightning (Invisio, Mythiot, and Plasma) and Seginus (Fortybelowsummer, Karo, and Rockus) with 3 users each as their most compatible.
Most Rivals: Inviso (Evilordexdeath, Johnbobb, Plasma, and Snake) with 4 users as their least compatible.
Most Middling: Bitto, Johnbobb, and Snake for having 0 users as having them as their most or least compatible.
I can't live forever
With my head and my heart in the clouds