Board 8 Watches and Ranks 80s Horror - Pt. 2: 80s Revenge

Board 8

Yeah thanks for running this Snake. I know I dissed on 80s horror some but it was still great revisiting some of these, especially the Top 2.

Might do a Stephen King ranking later, but I wanna say that Gerald's Game is really fantastic and scary, had no expectations going in and it freaked me out in a great way. By far Mike Flannigan's best work imo.

LinkMarioSamus posted...
Also huh we like snowy horror lol.
Yes snowed in horror a very good sub-genre

Evillordexdeath posted...
Great top 2 and a deserving winner even if I would've preferred The Shining.

LightningStrikes posted...
Jack Nicholsons performance is what stopped The Shining from ranking higher for me, and turned a potential 5/5 into a 4/5. Its cartoonish when it shouldnt be, and he just feels fundamentally miscast. I warned there was a hot take coming back near the start! But yeah hes pretty bad in this. Its not that its a maximalist performance, its that hes acting like a deranged madman when hes not supposed to be to the point that it strains believability that anybody would not instantly run from this man.
I think you should delete this comment....
azuarc wasn't even home. he was playing Magic the Gathering at his buddy's store, which is extremely easy to verify