Star Wars sequel trilogy vs. Multiverse Saga

Board 8

MarkS2222222222 posted...
No doubt, I'm not saying it's good by any means. But I mean, MCU is intentionally silly. It's just a lower bar.

Most of the MCU has basically become a collection of "fun moments" without regard to anything else, and that's essentially what you get with TROS.

The "lower bar" thing is something I noticed at the time, since many of the people who made videos bashing TLJ when it came out moved straight onto bashing Black Panther even though that movie was obviously nowhere near as contentious. Not to mention many of them then seeming to go around specifically targeting movies with female or minority leads for criticism which is a terrible look.

On that note, navigating some of this site's other boards made it seem like many of the people who frequent them are just averse to comic book movies in general given how they seemed to crap all over even acclaimed ones like Wonder Woman, Spider-Man: Homecoming, and Thor: Ragnarok (not saying those movies are masterpieces mind, wouldn't even call any of them better than decent personally). I was especially floored to find someone who said they thought Wonder Woman was awful and they struggled to get through it, since I feel like even anti-progressives didn't tend to trash that movie. And on that note, I was very disheartened to see anti-progressive talking points regarding Brie Larson get regurgitated there even as someone who's hardly a big fan of her (only know her as Captain Marvel, I can tell she's talented but the MCU doesn't give her much opportunity to show it. Tbf I feel the same way about Scarlett Johansson except I've actually seen her in stuff where she gives good performances, though I think Captain Marvel alone demonstrates Larson is more talented because Johansson was even more stiff and wooden in a similar role as the lead in the live-action Ghost in the Shell).
Why do people act like the left is the party of social justice crusaders?