Pokemon of the Year R1D39 ft. Jigglypuff, Lechonk, Crobat, Psyduck [PotY]

Board 8

+3 Walking Wake
+2 Munna
+1 Octillery
-1 Pawmi
-2 Jigglypuff
-3 Tangela

Walking Wake is the glamorous red carpet version of suicune. Put some tails on, up in heels, gave it a boa, hair done nice

+3 Pyukumuku
+2 Primeape
+1 Grafaiai
-1 Psyduck
-2 Caterpie
-3 Wugtrio

Pyukumuku representing Bean Squad. His fist intestines imply he's capable of fighting back but in actuality he just lays there and wins battles through the healing power of pity
I'm am hungry I want some lasaga