Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes Review Zone

Board 8

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Board 8 » Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes Review Zone
I'm pretty involved in the Eiyuden online community and yeah the anti-woke crowd is coming out of the woodworks. It's exacerbated because one of them was banned from the Discord and posted about it while tagging a far-right activist with decent following.
God has heard my soul.
These people shit their pants over every JRPG release with this crap. It was all over the Unicorn Overlord release, too.
These people are a plague and then being pissed off is a sign that the game is doing something right.

It never works out for them, either. They lost their shit campaigning against Unicorn Overlord, and it completely decimated Vanillaware's past sales numbers. If anything, them complaining actually acts as free advertising! I saw dozens if not hundreds of responses of "This game wasn't on my radar but this looks cool", or variants thereof prior to UC's release.
It's those same kinds of people who pull the sub v. dub gatekeeping bullshit, so they can keep their stupid opinions and whine in their echo chamber. If it looks like English, doesn't have errors, and doesn't do the OG Tokyo Xanadu thing of misplacing a line of text outside the actual freaking text box (or something similar that happened), then it's totally fine.
"Evening caress, Always yearning, I must confess, The stars aren't burning"
Copernicus - Candlemass
Unicorn Ovelord seems neat too even though I dont think Ive played an actual RTS before. Im so slow at games Im not sure how Id do in one. Im the kind of guy who is 90 hours into P3R with it probably being the 8th-10th time Ive played P3 and am only on October. Dont think Ive ever had a run under 100 hours for the game
swordz9 posted...
Unicorn Ovelord seems neat too even though I dont think Ive played an actual RTS before.

Unicorn Overlord isn't really an RTS. You move your units on a map like that in between fights during battle, yes, but other than that it doesn't really have any RTS aspects to it.

And of course that 7 hour demo is still available!

swordz9 posted...
Im the kind of guy who is 90 hours into P3R with it probably being the 8th-10th time Ive played P3 and am only on October. Dont think Ive ever had a run under 100 hours for the game

UC took me 85 hours, but I did literally everything, and spent about 15-20 hours completely scrapping all my formations, gear, and gambits, and rebuilding for theory crafting purposes. For comparison, Zigs mainline bumrushed the game through and did it in 30, so playtime can certainly vary.
The RTS elements of UO are very easy to manage. The game will auto-pause after every combat, and you can pause yourself anytime by hitting a button.
Change is weird.
I was going to play this on gamepass, but now that I hear it's making certain people mad, I'm going to buy it on PS5.
This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!
I have found that spite towards these nerds is an excellent motivator, lol.

Some of my favorite games and shows were only played and watched out of spite.
UshiromiyaEva posted...
I have found that spite towards these nerds is an excellent motivator, lol.
Just wait till companies figure out how to use AI to generate fake outrage, in order to convince people to buy things for this reasoning.

I could see this happening. The times we live in are very strange.
"so is my word...It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." - Isaiah 55:11
i mean, you don't really need AI to generate "fake outrage", you just need news articles that elevate some random tweets by nobodies as "people are outraged about this". which is exactly what clickbait news currently does .
KotakuinAction is, by design, a cesspool of bigotry, and should not be given the light of day here imo. Even if to dunk on it.
Board 8 » Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes Review Zone
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