Why were people complaining that no one asked for a sequel to Avatar?

Board 8

Johnbobb posted...

S4 was easily TLA tier, and better than TLA S1

S1 was on par too; it kind of started weak but had one of the best villains and endings of any season across both shows

S2 was weak but also had the two-part Wan episode which was one of the best episodes of the franchise
I can be persuaded to include S4 and S3 as the same tier but you know, that bias of them actually being 12 episodes each. Korra gotta suffer for that I feel. And compared to the Gaang starting slow for season 1 it was still good with relatively few stinkers. Barely any in the whole show run tbh. Whereas Korra on the whole has far more stinkers in it, even in S1. S4 I thought was great, but not outstanding.

I guess I'd rank em all


Edit: also one of the few who genuinely did not care for the Wan 2 parter.
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