Board 8 Watches and Ranks Art Films: Sign-Ups + Future Planning

Board 8

wallmasterz posted...


I'll probably have to participate in this since I've been meaning to watch Mirror, Beau Travail, and The Holy Mountain (have this one on DVD already).

I've seen the rest but they're pretty much all classics. Two of which are likely among my favorite 5 or 10 films ever. Another I think is the greatest debut from a director ever and not the one you might think either and even all the 21st century ones are all great.

I might have went with Blue over Red though since it's the first of the 3 Colors films and Red is the third, and though they aren't really sequels there's still a little bit at the end of Red might work better if you see all three in order (which everyone should do anyway because they're all great).

I also might have went with Tsai's first film Rebels of the Neon God or Goodbye, Dragon Inn (a personal favorite and it might really test this board) instead but then again Vive L'Amour is probably the one most in need of a rewatch for me and Goodbye, Dragon Inn hits even better if you've seen King Hu's Dragon Inn first (which is one of the best martial arts films ever). Would love to see a King Hu film on this list, but maybe we can have another art film or classic film ranking sometime down the road. I woudn't mind picking a few choice films.