Rate the Ace Attorney case: Turnabout For Tomorrow (5-5)

Board 8


I'm, like, really in the middle on this one. On the one hand, the reveal of who the Phantom is is great. Edgeworth returning to the courtroom is great. No case with Blackquill in it is bad, once again, and Athena makes for a great defendant too.

But...... ugh, everything with the Phantom lands with such a wet thud for me. It could have been better. It still seriously bothers me that they didn't do one of two things: either 1) Fulbright IS the phantom, period, that's just who he is and he was playing a character to trick us or 2) we knew the 'real' Fulbright either but he died and got replaced. Either way we get better emotional stakes. As it is, the result is such a nothing character and I kind of hate it.

So yeah I dunno. Also there isn't really anything interesting about the murder itself kinda? It's sort of forgettable. I don't know, this one doesn't stick the landing for me, but it has high points.