Anime & Manga Discussion Topic 298: Anime is Saved

Board 8

I'm not sure if anyone else will be interested in this, but I'm sharing it anyway! Back when I finished my 400th anime, I mentioned that what I've seen is heavily skewed towards more recent years. Only 31 were from 2010 or earlier compared to 73 from 2018 alone. Well, I wanted to try and balance that a little.

I've put together a list of one anime per season, and I'm going to start at the beginning and slowly make my way through it. It goes primarily from 1999 to 2023, but I couldn't find anything for Summer 2000 (there were only five new anime that season I mean wtf) and there were two seasons in 2018 where I've already seen pretty much everything. I substituted those with one anime per year from 1998, 1997, and 1988 to reach a total of 100 anime. I would've gone back further but there simply weren't that many shows debuting per season in the 90s and very few are available on streaming.

I'm only counting the debut year for anime with more than one season, but obviously I plan to watch everything once I get to them. It was rough finding shows for a few of these seasons. I'm going to have to go to Tubi of all places to watch "Arjuna" for Winter 2001. Still, a lot of anime that people recommended I download are on this thing, so thank you to everyone who helped me fill it out! I'll accept any criticism of my choices or suggestions for changes if anyone cares to look into it. I'm excited to watch most of these, though. A lot of them are anime I always wanted to watch but never got around to.

I won't exclusively watch things from this list. There are still a handful of shows I'm halfway through and need to finish, plus I may still watch the occasional random anime. I'm excited to get started on this project, though!