Anime & Manga Discussion Topic 298: Anime is Saved

Board 8

Mobilezoid posted...
You got out at a good time. In the latest episode, they turned his nipple hair joke (which he keeps doing) into a big dramatic moment somehow.
I just wanted a cool baseball anime, man. So many bad sports anime this season

Mobilezoid posted...
How is this, by the way? I've ignored it so far but I was kind of curious after reading the premise.
I enjoy it for how awful everyone is, and the MC being so pathetic is kind of refreshing given all the power fantasies that release. That said, I wouldn't call it good, especially production-wise, and especially especially with Wind Breaker also airing. So far, it's a show about a loser losering his way into a not-YouTube "career". Spoilers for episode 3 he ends up "winning" a fight because his opponent injured his hands punching him in the face