Anime & Manga Discussion Topic 298: Anime is Saved

Board 8

Finished rewatching.

.....Honestly extremely shocked that I love it even more now than the first time. I guess that's just the different attitude going in initially? This has completely infused itself into my brain.

For most of the series, references are minimal. I don't recall anything in the other seasons mentioned that Hina ran the astronomy club, so I had to find that one by looking it up. Also, Hina and Sayo are twins?? Just nothing for the P*P lore huh lol.

Raana is actually precious, her character wasn't the best to me when I was still engrossed in finding out the plot as it went, but now with that out of the way I thought her antics were great and she was crucial in both breaking the band down and building it back up again.

La Creatura

Watching episode twelve was hilarious, though. Just absolutely no attention was paid to these side characters at all the first time though, but the room is fucking full of past characters. What do you mean Saaya and Kasumi are on the staff for this event??

More important than anything, I have completely turned around on the last episode. All my annoyance that it seemed like In was getting cut off from MyGO too soon was obviously unfounded, because clearly they're still going to be omnipresent in the new season in January. I also liked the performance at the end much more this time, except Saki's keyboard is kind of....not great? Maybe that's just the song. All of the preliminary buildup to the song was still omni-cringe though, god.
