Anime & Manga Discussion Topic 298: Anime is Saved

Board 8

I'm surprised you didn't pick up that Sayo and Hina are twins. I guess it's been so ingrained from the start with the game that I didn't think that an anime-only person could possibly not realize that.
Their story is actually considered as one of the highlights of the overarching story throughout the game.

For the astronomy club thing, Hina's catchphrase is something like "ruun~" (localized as Boppin' in English, but Crunchyroll has it as "la la la"), so it came of as a nice nod to her when Anon reads the note out loud.

Now that you watched the first three seasons, you have better context of the hints that Raana drops about her grandma. But on that note, these were mentioned in a Q & A after Season 3 of the anime.

Here's the rest of them if you want to read through them:

In any case, if you ever want to know what goes on in the game story, there are transcripts for them that you can read through:

But you can skip Poppin'Party Band Story 0 and Raise A Suilen Band Story 1 since those are both covered in the anime.

Or watch them through this YouTube channel that looks to have archived them

Main/Band stories

Season 1 event stories

Season 2 event stories

Season 3 event stories

That channel seems good at keeping up-to-date because the current event story is on there. Just keep in mind that the event stories are in most recent order on the playlists. So if you wanted watch the very first event story, you have to scroll all the way to the bottom of the Season 1 event playlist.

Since there are a ton of event stories (literally over 200 of them), this is a good site to kind of scan through what the event may be about and to see the card art.

It's a lot of material, so it may not be a bad idea to have those somewhere on hand as a reference.
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