Rate the Ace Attorney case: The Final Witch Trial (L-4)

Board 8


It sucks.

Like, it's not even that it's a Layton plot explanation, although it is that, and it's kind of ludicrous, but I did know that that was what I was getting. But it just takes SO LONG to get through it all, and I found the emotional core at the heart of the story completely lacking, especially compared the previous case. And the actual Ace Attorney part of it is like... bad? You spend a LONG time on it but there's not really anything to prove at the end of the day aside from Darklaw carrying Espella up the tower I guess. But by the time you feel like you're starting to unravel the mystery it all comes out that the whole thing was fake anyway. It kinda makes you feel like you wasted your time. Especially cross-examining the goddamn guards, which are just like... oy.

Yeah, I don't know. I want to like it because like, I love the setting, the court looks super awesome, and everything's set up for an exciting finale and there's just nothing there. It's a huge letdown that takes like 10+ hours to slog through. I hate it.