What four bosses are on the Difficult Boss Battles Mount Rushmore?

Board 8

Absolute Virtue (FF11)
Inbachi (Dodonpachi Saidaioujou)

Dodonpachi Saidaioujou has been out for like 10+ years now, and no one yet has beaten the true true last boss Inbachi in an actual run of arcade mode without cheating afaik. It's only recently that people practicing with save states (instead of actually playing through the game without missing and the other conditions to fight Inbachi in the first place ) have proven it's actually even possible for a human player to even beat it.


open for suggestions for what to put to represent fighting game bosses, since I don't know which SNK boss is the SNK-iest or if something like Children of the Atom Magneto or Holy Order Sol would compete with one of those. As well as for a fourth.
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Not changing this line until I beat Seven Heroes (2/24/07) - Fulfilled 2/20/18