Rate the Ace Attorney case: The Foreign Turnabout (6-1)

Board 8


The pacing in this one is really brutal. Maybe I'm being too harsh, because this case is really doing its best to establish Khura'in, but it's a LOT of 'oh no, the DC act!' and 'death! death! death!' and it takes its sweet ass time getting to the point. I don't really like Andistan'dhin that much - I get that despite the oppressive atmosphere they're not trying to be super serious, but even then, he's just a little TOO silly for my tastes - the metal singing really fell flat for me. I find it a little strange how they're trying to make Khura'in seem like a hostile, foreign place, but the first two villains we run into here are both foreigners that Khura'in is just super chill with.- I guess the point isn't that Khura'in is racist , it's ONLY that they hate defense attorneys, but something about it still strikes me as really odd.

That all said, this case does have its one ace up its sleeve, and that's the Divination Seance. Every Divination Seance is extremely fun and cool and the fact that this case has one keeps it from being a bottom tier case.