Board 8's Top 20 NES Games - The Results

Board 8

#1. Super Mario Bros. 3 (1988)
Total Points: 98
List Appearances: 28
First-Place Votes: 9

Write-up provided by tazzyboyishere
Yet to be dethroned, Super Mario Bros. 3 reigns as king of 2D platforming. It refined the mechanics of Mario's jump and added some extra well-polished power-ups to the game. The result is something truly unprecedented: A game which not only has no bad levels, but has numerous of some of the most perfectly crafted set of levels ever designed. You can point to many aspects of the game which are well-done: The speed, the length, the diversity, the physics... All of it is curated to such a high degree. I can play this game an endless number of times and still enjoy it. There is little to nothing I would change about it. 2D Mario would only weaken after this, and it makes sense given the standard they set here. It truly is a one-of-a-kind masterpiece.
PSN/Steam - RoboQuote ; NNID - TazzyMan