Rate the Ace Attorney case: Turnabout Time Traveler (6-6)

Board 8


It was like, PW at a casual stroll. I enjoy that. I liked the lower stakes for a chance, and the fact that both Phoenix and Edgeworth are both kind of aware that it's not as high-stakes as their previous face-offs (despite how well-connected the family are).

I think I might be giving this an extra point because I played it directly after 6-5, which was great but exhaustingly long as I said yesterday. This breezier, nicer, nostalgic case was like a sorbet afterwards. (Also yes, no Nahyuta)

And I like the time travelling thing - it's some very obvious, clumsy symbolism for having a Phoenix/Maya/Edgeworth case but I'm on board with it regardless
Not to be confused with XIII_Minerals.