Rate the Ace Attorney case: Turnabout Time Traveler (6-6)

Board 8


I have no clue why people are even considering this the worst case in the series. 4-4 and AJ as a whole (as well as AAI1 to a lesser extent) did actual damage to the series, and we've had cases with far worse casts in 2-3 and E1-3. Not to mention crap like 2-1. Is 6-6 a good case? Not really, and it definitely has some flaws that have already been pointed out by a few, but this isn't even the worst case in the game (6-4). I'd take this over a third of the cases in the series.
PaulG235 | Finished in the Top 2 of GotD2010's Second Chance Bracket
Sadly, there are no second chances in the Guru, azuarc doesn't need one.