Save My X-Men: Day 1 (300 remain) [SMXM]

Board 8

Fluttershy_Pony posted...
Adam-X the X-treme!

Another member of Summers family, he's pure edgelord. His code name is Adam-X, which is cool because it has an X. His other code name is X-Treme because he's EXTREME TO THE MAX. His power is causing people's blood to ignite, burning them from the inside out. He's like a parody of 90s edgelords, only he's meant to be serious. He is terrible and I love him. He's like if Poochie dual-wielded swords and incinerated people.

He even debuted in 1993. Hes perfect in every way.

Edit: How is he not a Liefeld character?
It's like paying for bubble wrap. -transience on Final Fantasy: All the Bravest