Community Mafia Topic 10 - Night Kill School

Board 8

Meow1000 posted...
I've saved you the last two nights. Last night I considered saving someone totally at random given the Isquen kill night 2, but SBell wouldn't have been my first choice for that anyway.

Hmm... it's convenient, but I'll believe it for now.

This game state looked like it was gonna be a town stomp, but now I'm having trouble figuring out who's actually scum, especially when the nightkills are on people like Isquen and SBell.

And honestly, given that pattern, it wouldn't surprise me if MI actually was the N1 kill, Blade blocked it, and I just happened to roleblock someone on the scumteam who didn't deliver the kill. But now's not the time for rabbit hole conspiracy-ing.
Kirby321 is 60% epicsauce, 40% epic failure
Soo... how was your day?