What four visual novels belong on the Visual Novels Mount Rushmore? +TIEBREAKER

Board 8

Write a scenario for an Ace Attorney case

Title: "The Fateful Farewell"


It's a humid summer day in the bustling city of Lysander. The courtroom is abuzz with anticipation as the trial of the century is about to begin. The defendant, renowned philanthropist and CEO of Lysander Enterprises, Mr. Gregory Hawthorne, sits stoically at the defense bench. The prosecution, led by the formidable prosecutor, Sylvia Frost, prepares to present their case.


The victim, Veronica Vale, was an esteemed journalist investigating allegations of corruption within Hawthorne's company. Her expos was set to be published the day she was found dead in her apartment, poisoned with cyanide-laced coffee. The evidence points to Hawthorne, who vehemently denies any involvement.

Key Witnesses:

Maxwell Reed: Veronica's editor at The Lysander Gazette, who can testify to her investigation and the threats she received.
Dr. Isabelle Stone: The forensic expert who conducted the autopsy and found traces of cyanide in Veronica's system.
Natalie Hawthorne: The defendant's daughter, who claims to have seen her father near Veronica's apartment on the night of the murder.

Twists and Turns:

The Blackmail: It's revealed that Veronica was not only investigating the corruption within Hawthorne's company but also had evidence of his extramarital affair with a prominent politician's wife. The defense argues that Veronica was blackmailing Hawthorne, giving him a motive to silence her.
The Alibi: Hawthorne's alibi is shaky, but his assistant provides video footage placing him at a charity event during the time of the murder. However, the prosecution alleges that Hawthorne could have easily slipped away unnoticed.
The Frame-Up: A mysterious figure is seen leaving Veronica's apartment on the night of the murder, wearing a disguise. The defense argues that Hawthorne was framed by someone who wanted to tarnish his reputation and destroy his company.

Dramatic Conclusion:

As Phoenix Wright, the defense attorney, presents his closing arguments, he unveils the true mastermind behind Veronica's murder. With a stunning revelation and airtight evidence, Wright proves Hawthorne's innocence and exposes the real killerthe politician whose wife was being blackmailed by Veronica. The courtroom erupts in shock and disbelief as the true culprit is led away in handcuffs.


Mr. Gregory Hawthorne is acquitted of all charges, and justice is served for Veronica Vale. The case is closed, but the echoes of this fateful farewell will linger in the minds of all involved for years to come.