Ranking 100 Trails - Kiseki Characters Before Daybreak

Board 8

Yes, I'm doing another ranking topic. The writeups for this one will be much shorter I think. No major spoilers in this one. I might accidentally reveal non-important spoilers though so reader beware.

Did you all know that Trails Through Daybreak comes out in the West in two months (July 5)? Wow!

Old Boring Guys

100 . Albert Russell, or "Any Scientist"
Albert doesn't deserve this, since he's actually a nice guy and a good grandpa, but I wanted the list to have representation of Trails scientists (Schmidt, Novartis, etc.) I think Albert's the best one so here he is.

99 . Carl Regnitz

Machias's dad, pictured here doing his best Phoenix Wright impression. Wants to be a "man for the people" but ends up just going along with Chancellor Osborne's massive war crimes.

98 . Major Michael
There's actually nothing to say here. He's a black hole. He's Claire's cousin? Whoop de freaking do.

Up next: Hide your kids, hide your wife.

while you slept, the world changed