Ranking 100 Trails - Kiseki Characters Before Daybreak

Board 8

94 . Ian Grimwood, esquire

Definitely not a suspicious NPC whatsoever. Certainly there's nothing more to this character than being a friendly lawyer. A name like "grimwood" in no way links him to a plan to make a giant spirit tree appear in the middle of Crossbell. In what universe is he actually a mastermind plotting an elaborate plan to get revenge for his family. Also, there's no possible way that once he gets called out for being a villain he'll just immediately give up and say "dang you're right I have been kind of bad haven't I." (Spoilers: yes I know he comes back in Reverie but dang if Azure doesn't have the most anti-climactic ending of all time )

93 . Luciola

I forget about Luciola every damn time. But then again maybe that's the point? Doesn't she have powers that make you forget stuff? Maybe her being so forgettable is actually brilliant meta writing. I know for a fact that she's Schera's obligatory Ouroborous relation. I also know that she became evil because she had a crush on the ringmaster of the family circus who was also your dad (note to self: do I go with a Justice for All 2-3 reference or a classic American comic strip reference? okay, both/neither). Or maybe she killed him? I honestly don't remember.

92 . Dieter Crois

Like Vincent D'onofrio in Netflix's Daredevil series, Dieter Crois has big plans for this city. The geopolitical importance of suzerains is actually kind of interesting, and you can draw all sorts of parallels to Taiwan and Hong Kong if you want, but one thing I know for sure is that if Taiwan wanted to declare independence it wouldn't do so at the expense of big ass monsters roaming the countryside. Crossbell politics is more interesting than this dude, who like Grimwood is just being played. I guess to keep the theme he wants revenge for being constantly threatened by two competing superpowers? Fair enough.

Up next: That's your BROTHER. Gross.
while you slept, the world changed