Rank the Tracks 164: Bjork - Homogenic

Board 8

  1. Bachelorette
  2. Jga
  3. Hunter
  4. Unravel
  5. Alarm Call
  6. All Is Full of Love
  7. 5 Years
  8. All Neon Like
  9. Pluto
  10. Immature

The opening four tracks on this album are probably my favorite opening four tracks of any album. All four have a commanding presence and are hauntingly beautiful. The mix of synths with the ethereal strings and Bjrk's incredible voice is so good. The rest of the album is also great, but Hunter, Jga, Unravel, and Bachelorette are all-timers, so it's hard to keep up with that high of a bar. Bjrk was a major gap in this series that we hadn't covered yet, so I'm glad we're finally doing so now.

It's also worth mentioning that the single version of All Is Full of Love is a lot better than the album version and would go up a few spots on my ranking if it were here (https://open.spotify.com/track/3rrtbnOBDzKQfyYKTezEFe?si=28b54b2a6b764b30). There's also a cool Radiohead cover of Unravel that's worth checking out (Thom Yorke has stated that it's one of the most beautiful songs he's heard) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVvO4mPoZiA).
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