Rank the Tracks 164: Bjork - Homogenic

Board 8

Alarm Call
5 Years
Pluto Yknow what? Fair enough. Not something Im gonna put on regularly, but this is some damn good techno even if the end is a bit overwhelming. It fits super well on the album even if I dont love it by itself.
All Neon Like

I like whatever the fuck was going on with electronic music in the 80s and 90s. I like weird songs, especially when theres genuine personality behind them and, most of all, they sound good. Bjork, really does it for me, and I think this is my favourite album Ive heard of hers. Its often oppressive-sounding and sharp, but never slips to the wrong side of the boundary between A Lot and unpleasant. I also think the cohesion of the album, without being samey whatsoever, is a massive credit to it each song brings something different to the table while seeming like part of the same story. Great nomination. Like Max said, those first four songs are something else entirely.
Perhaps the golden rock was inside us all along.