Microsoft's poor corporate decision-making incurs in-game wrath of petty gamers

Board 8

Phil Spencer, CEO of Microsoft Gaming, has been the target of a nuclear weapon attack in Fallout 76. A disgruntled player decided to express their displeasure at the recent closure of several studios owned by Microsoft in the multiplayer post-apocalyptic Bethesda game by dropping nukes on Spencers in-game camp.

Spencers gamer tag, P3, has long been public knowledge, and in 2018 he confirmed on X that its a nickname arising from the fact that he shares a name with his father and grandfather, so he was known as P3 at family events.

The attack was discovered by X user Sam_Snydes who posted Lmao someone nuked Phil Spencers camp in Fallout 76. Shortly after this, user real1090jake responded with just the word Guilty and a shrug emoji, accompanied by a screenshot of Spencers in-game avatar and a short video of the camp, coated in red radioactive fog.

Fair, next? [#Life&Hometown]