Rate the Ace Attorney case: The Adventure of the Unspeakable Story (G1-5)

Board 8


I really like this one! It goes on for a long time, but I was never bored. I liked spending time with the GAA crew for so long before things hit the fan.

The cat flap may be a bit silly but I'm happy Susato finally takes a step out on her own here and loses faith in the legal system so much that she messes with a crime scene. This isn't satisfactorily followed up on in the sequel but that's the next game's problem. In her absence we get assistant Iris, who is a ton of fun. She's given an unexpected amount of depth here, and it's her best showcase in the duology.

I see some complaints that this doesn't feel like a finale, but personally I disagree. Graydon is merely decent but the real final boss is Gregson and by extension the British legal establishment, I love everything about Shady Tobias on the witness stand. No GAA case uses multiple witnesses on the same stand better than this one. And this is a killer case for Ryunosuke, despite the second game's subtitle his resolve is on full display here and I think it's a more satisfying personal climax for him than the second game's (where he plays a much smaller role and the final blows are dealt by someone else):

By fair means or foul, you're determined to due your duty. Well... by fair means or foul, I'm prepared to do mine! I will stop at nothing to protect my client! I don't care who I make an enemy of!

Come on, the guy risked his own livelihood and openly blackmailed the British government in court purely to protect a young girl who the world had given up on. What a badass!

I've not even mentioned the Russian juror and his mouse, more McGilded fun, or my favourite comedic witnesses in the entire series: the Skulkin brothers. Sure, Windibanks isn't great and I never want to view things stereoscopically again, but I had an absolute blast with this case!