Save My Favourite Anime Series 11: Round 40 [SMFAS]

Board 8

1. Frieren (wonder how much is recency bias but damn was this a great show)
2. Haikyuu!!
3. Madoka
4. Mushishi (need to watch season 2 and rewatch season 1)
5. Baccano (another show coasting on good memories. Would love to rewatch but well...)
6. DBZ
7. 7th Time Loop
8. Monogatari (as always, would probably be higher if I watched past the first season)
9. Beastars

Haven't seen Kaguya so not ranked. I'm the only one who nominated 7th Time Loop and it almost got cut by the randomizer so I'm shocked to see it make the Top 10. It's not the type of show I've dabbled too much into so I don't know how it compares to other shows like it but I thought it was very good! Beastars is fine, I'm not hyped about it like many are but I wouldn't be mad if it won!