Save My Favourite Anime Series 11: Round 40 [SMFAS]

Board 8

Mobilezoid posted...
I've watched all the villainess anime (which 7th Time Loop calls itself in the subtitle even though Rishe isn't much of a villainess). For me, 7th Time Loop is at the top of that subgenre! If you want another anime similar it, I'd recommend "Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke's Mansion". It's an incomplete adaptation, but enjoyable regardless. It has a similar vibe to 7th Time Loop in a lot of ways.
Ohh good to know! Pretty much watched it on a whim based on some stuff that was said in the anime topic and found it to be quite enjoyable! Just read up on Raeliana and that sounds right up my ally too so I'm gonna add that to my watch list. Thanks for the rec!