Marathon (classic) free on Steam

Board 8

Board 8 » Marathon (classic) free on Steam

even I know what this is, the game Bungee did before Halo

they're putting an emphasis on "Classic" so I guess they released another at some point? I was not aware
Bungee has been working on a new Marathon for quite a few years now, maybe its getting close to finally coming out. There was a trailer shown like 2-3 years ago i think at one of the "not E3" press conferences, but that's all that has been shown as far as i know.
Ma-hop ma-herp.
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
Cool that they're apparently doing 1-3 for free, will have to watch for the later ones to drop.

The new game is supposed to be an extraction shooter, right? I thought that was a weird move at the time of the announcement, but maybe now that Escape From Tarkov has totally shotgun blasted its own foot off with horrible PR the timing might work out pretty well for them.
Let the voice of love take you higher,
With this gathering power, go beyond even time!
They've been free and open source for ages. You can get the whole trilogy from here:

And also a port of Pathways Into Darkness, an earlier game that's maybe probably connected to the Marathon trilogy
The shattered stage is set and there's a role you must fulfil
Board 8 » Marathon (classic) free on Steam