[VGMC] Day 1!!! feat. New, New New, Main, Main, First, and Waking Up in a Suite

Board 8

Nerby Suite
Live and Urn

oh god i accidentally clicked on the link because I didn't realize it wasn't a video and proceeded to lose everything I'd written WELP. Basically it was just me liking New Battle but complaining about the semi-loop points making me feel like I'd wasted my time, liking FightGod a lot despite the ugly underscore but being minorly depressed that it doesn't have a snail's chance in hell, thinking Donk isn't for me even if I am a big ol' donkhead and also Darkwing Duck is so much cooler, gushing over Nerby Suite and how it fills its time with a glorious slow burn into three of the greatest final minutes in all of VGM, and i like butt rock but do i like it more than my favorite Final Fantasy soundtrack? Let's find out after the break...

WHAT DO YOU MEAN NERBY SWEET ISN'T THE LONGEST SONG TODAY?! This song is not twelve minutes long. It's not. It can't be. Is it? I mean this is one of the "what if we just mashed TWO songs together" uploads but even so. "Do you remember the song of the ocean waves"? okay I'm not mad anymore. but i can't believe in magic anymore and ibasho de wa nai kedo. i just feel so small listening to this. not small as in "i was THIS TINY when i played FFXIII2" but like "i am THIS TINY when i listen to this song now." man i usually hate muted instruments but the solo just works here, i am a dream on a shore bordering another final fantasy. Loop point is 3:40 fight me. I refuse to waste my time let's fast forward three minutes. oh hi giant loud rhythm. I would've voted for the first half of this in a heartbeat. Second half is the bad half. This is the bad place. Why. Sometimes all phases mixes are a mistake. Robot voice vocals are cool at the end of the loop but is it worth the journey? I don't really think so. Anyways the moral of the story is "if your track length is above 5 minutes stop arbitrarily doubling things kthx .
Nonsense. "Testing" is for when you're still guessing--and now, I have no need to guess. -- Agatha, Girl Genius