[VGMC] Day 1!!! feat. New, New New, Main, Main, First, and Waking Up in a Suite

Board 8

New Battle!!!
Live & Learn ...Main Theme of "Sonic Adventure 2"

I've always said none of the modern Torna-likes hit as hard as Torna. However, NB takes some tropical-ish percussion instead and I really dig that. The main melody is very catchy too and I dig those solos. Very good, very good. Crymachina is very nice, the drop hits great. Par for the course for VGMC, really.

Donk is very good 80s dance stuff. If I didn't knew any better I'd imagine they'd just license this, but nevertheless it's quite respectable. Enthusia is fine, the final part is really good the buildup doesn't do mind blowing stuff. I guess I'm not feeling either today. And I don't have time to decide, either...

Well, does New Bohdum surpass my liking for Live & Learn? Looks like no, but this song is really pretty, with the characteristic details I adore of FF 13 music, and the second part is a very nice change. I won't be mad if it wins. Live & Learn is just a song that always gets me excited, a tried and true formula. Bless SA2 music. But again, perfectly fine if NB makes it!