Rate the Ace Attorney case: The Adventure of the Blossoming Attorney (G2-1)

Board 8

Leonhart4 posted...
I don't think it was ever officially confirmed, but it was originally rumored to be a trilogy, and there are things that are mentioned in the first game that are altogether forgotten or just rushed through in the second game.

The Russian plot in particular is just absent from the second game, and I can't imagine that was Takumi's intention, especially since we visit the World's Fair.
It was supposed to be a trilogy, yes. Then the first game sold worse than expected.

I think G2-1, like all the Natsume Souseki cases, probably suffers a lot in translation. Though now I'm just curious why Rei Membami is the only person who got a localized name in the case -- and it's one that's only legal Japanese in traditional Hepburn! (deep dive: is usually transliterated as 'n' but it is pronounced closer to "m" before some consonants, so older transliteration styles would write it as 'm' in those cases. "Asahi Shimbun" is perhaps the best example of one where that style has survived to the modern era, but it's all over the place -- "senpai" should be pronounced "sempai," for instance.) Granted I'm the one that always writes e.g. "Tempei Sato" so I'm not complaining, but it is weird.

...oh i guess Menimemo from Mamemomi counts too, that one's so similar though.
Nonsense. "Testing" is for when you're still guessing--and now, I have no need to guess. -- Agatha, Girl Genius