[VGMC] Day 2! feat. Flowers, Cards, and Math using 10, 11, and 14.3

Board 8

14.3 Billion Years
Duel VS Fortress Leader

14.3 Billion Years is a song I didn't support and that I'm not actually happy to see here. Outer Wilds is my hands-down favorite game of all time and I love the soundtrack but so much of my love of it is tied to my experience playing the game - without it, I can't imagine it would hit the same way, and certainly the ending montage of various motifs would mean nothing at all. This credits medley is RIFE with meaning to those who have played the game, basically serving as a recap for all of the game's threads and themes. Honestly, this isn't even a particularly memorable theme from the game for me - the ending theme of the DLC is the one that REALLY made me bawl like a baby, and if I was gonna put something Outer Wilds in it would have been that - but yeah it's still good. But I wouldn't have bothered including it in VGMC because I just think it'd be lost on people. 8/10

Speaking of having strong emotional feelings for music, I am just too fucking old for Minecraft, sorry! Like, I'm sure Minecraft is an amazing game and I know it's deeply nostalgic for a certain bracket of people, which probably does include some people who are my age, but the whole thing is totally over my head. Aria Math's steel pan drum is an absolutely lovely lead and the track builds a lovely little soundscape around it and in most matches I'd probably support it. I'm pretty sure it will continue on to solid success in this contest, feels like a retirement waiting ot happen. 7.5/10

I don't have much to comment on in this next match. Sakura Wars has a fun old-anime flair to it with its energetic ballad and triumphant horns, and the combination of that and the electric guitar solo places it quite definitively in the 90's. It's fun. 6/10

I can't think of anything to say about b10. I have no idea what Rinne is, music sounds like some kinda dungeon-exploring music - it's a nice little discovery. It's moody and weird. I like it. 7/10

Speaking of games I have no idea what they are, Boing Boing & Roger! T11 is another lovely discovery. The lo-fi sound and awful recording quality sort of lends a haunting quality to it. It's a beautiful little melody but I'd be lying if I said the flutes didn't start to pierce the ears a little bit after a couple of minutes. These are the kinds of avant-garde discoveries I love to see in vgmc though. I think I'm more into this for the kangaroo spinning around in perfect time to the music though. It's hypnotic. 7/10

Uhhhh yeah so, Duel VS Fortress Leader was my nom waaaay back in VGMC8, and I'm VERY surprised to see it come back all of a sudden. Figured I was the only one who gave a shit! This is one of my favorite soundtracks of all time - Ichiro Shimakura composed this like he was on a mission to drop the absolute hottest funk the GBC has ever seen. The soundtrack is kind of a one trick pony, but the trick is AMAZING. 8-bit music theory did a great video a little while back covering the compositional mastery used to really wring as much out of the limited headroom you have for full instrumentation on a mere three channels and like every song in the TCG games it's on full display here. I play this game for the music alone and will always keep coming back to it. Catchy and highly addictive - this is pretty much the music I wish I could learn to make. 10/10