[VGMC] Day 2! feat. Flowers, Cards, and Math using 10, 11, and 14.3

Board 8

Aria Math
Declaration! Imperial Floral Assault Group
Duel VS Fortress Leader

14.3 works awesome in-game. On its own, it's still nice, but lacks the same power. Aria Math, OTOH, doesn't rely on context at all, just being an incredibly smooth and chill experience that I enjoy for its entire playtime.

I do not like the singing style of the Sakura Wars song. It's old-fashioned in a bad way to me. It's a pretty good example of this style, though. I like the triumphant riff it has at the end of the verses. b10 reminds me a lot of Steins;Gate music but maybe not as good. It's way more my style, but a worse song, I think.

T11 is booooring. Pokemon music doesn't generally do much for me, but this is a fun example of it. I mostly like the cool intro.
All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.