Square Enix to Aggressively Pursue Multiplatform Strategy After ~70% Profit Drop

Board 8

Board 8 » Square Enix to Aggressively Pursue Multiplatform Strategy After ~70% Profit Drop
In its latest earnings release, Square Enix reports a profit drop of -69.7% year over year, thanks in part to MMO and mobile declines, and also growing operating losses from high dev cost amortization, even if sales are up slightly. But the company has made it clear it plans to make the most of those high development costs with releases on more platforms. Square Enix will aggressively pursue a multiplatform strategy that includes Nintendo platforms, PlayStation, Xbox, and PCs," it says.


Figured we should have a topic on this. FFs back on Xobox? Switch successor?
we're all buds ~jc~
<DeathChicken> you are my hero for being the first person to cite National Geographic in Mercs
Why bother developing Xbox ports when the ecosystem's only gonna last a couple more years? More Switch focus sounds good though.

Chaeix posted...
it's good to have a topic that's not from someone many users have blocked :p
All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.
Can't wait for Rebirth on the Switch
Okay, I rolled a 14. What's that mean? Hsu
That you're a cheater. This is a 12-sided die. Chan
Will not be surprised in the slightest to see FFXIV come to the next Switch and absolutely blow up there.

Certainly more than it did on the XBox where you can barely play it because of the Microsoft word filtering.
Chaeix posted...
Ah, I was surprised there wasn't already a topic about this. That explains that.

MacArrowny posted...
Why bother developing Xbox ports when the ecosystem's only gonna last a couple more years?
So that I, personally, can play Remake/Rebirth/XVI :)
Board 8 » Square Enix to Aggressively Pursue Multiplatform Strategy After ~70% Profit Drop