Rate the Ace Attorney case: The Return of the Great Departed Soul (G2-3)

Board 8


GOODBYE ASSMAN .... ripperoni in piece.

Harebrayne is an endearing defendant. I was almost annoyed at his insistence on throwing himself under the bus for his experiment, but the game manages to use its pacing well. His relationship with Barok is sweet, though I definitely wish I could have seen more of them. I read a comment that called him Barok's Larry and while I don't wholly agree, I think that's a hilarious comparison.

And Barok has been great so far! I really enjoy how despite his disdain for the Japanese, he's been increasingly more and more willing to work with Ryunosuke. It definitely has shades of Edgeworth in AA1, but it doesn't feel derivative.

Drebber is so damn good. His design, his jerky movements, his theme. He's such a cool mfer, but he's also a tragic character. I cannot stress enough that he's a potential top character in the entire franchise.

Sithe is probably the lowest point. She literally survives almost solely on coolness points and taking her down doesn't feel fully satisfying. I love how this game comes swinging with three super closely connected cases right after the other, but it would have been nice if... idk she was a character who sometimes assisted Gregson or Strongheart throughout the games.

Tusspells is cool. I don't like feel strongly about her but I fully support her in everything she does.

I love the climatic moment at the end of this case, but as an artist I couldn't help but lose it at the statue being destroyed. Boy you can't just throw a woman's hard work down the drain like that wtf