Rate the Ace Attorney case: The Return of the Great Departed Soul (G2-3)

Board 8

Now this case is the exact opposite of G2-2; it is the one case that has absolutely stuck with me through the years. Absolute peak from start to finish, which is only slightly marred by the amount of raw rage I felt at Kazuma's return. And while perhaps in the trilogy-version of DGS we would've gotten more time between Zieks and Harebrayne, I love how we're given just enough that it shows us more of who Zieks really is, without feeling like he ever becomes the protagonist. I also love their (final, I believe?) conversation in court in 2-3, which I did a translation of back in the day:

"That man mocked you. Named you talentless.
"Yet he knows nothing.
"Nothing of the sacrifices you've made in pursuit of what you believe to be true.
"He has no right to scorn such a thing. No one does."
Nonsense. "Testing" is for when you're still guessing--and now, I have no need to guess. -- Agatha, Girl Genius