The Winner of Best Video Game Character of the 2000s is.... MISSILE!

Board 8

Board 8 » The Winner of Best Video Game Character of the 2000s is.... MISSILE!

Final Brackets
Bracket -
Side Bracket -

In a final result of Missile (49 seed) - 19 / Mordin (3 seed) - 17, FurryFAQs comes through with the victory. A close match befitting both characters' paths through the contest. It was never easy for either character!

In addition, Elizabeth of BioShock Infinite won her side-bracket final against 9S of NieR: Automata, 16-13 . I was very surprised when Elizabeth didn't make it in the main bracket and could've definitely been a dominant force in the main contest I feel, so congrats on her win!

Thanks for everyone who voted along the way, and for tazzy for allowing me to host! It was a fun experience to host a contest again, especially one of my favorites on the board.
I've decided to put my fears behind me. I'm not going back.
If you're gonna scream, scream with me
Pretend the title says 2010s lmao I've only been doing this like a month straight
I've decided to put my fears behind me. I'm not going back.
If you're gonna scream, scream with me
It's tempting to linger in this moment, while every possibility still exists. But unless collapsed by an observer, they will never be more than possibilities.
Meh this bracket was a big whiff for me. I had lot of characters I cared a lot about and most of them lost in round 2 or 3.
good victory for the goodest of boys
Oh hell yes, a wonderful result.
Great character wins.

I'd love to see a bracket for the 2020s. Partial contests are fun.
All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.
Woo! Missile is fantastic! One of my all time favorite characters <3
Oh wow, I totally didn't even pay attention to this contest (because I didn't know enough of the participants) and didn't realize that Princess Remedy was in the side bracket (and won a match?! (and could have won another if I was there?)).

I forgot to nominate Lusamine and Guzma from Pokemon though.
Great winner. I really liked 3/4 semifinalists and I have Nier: Automata on my backlog, so maybe it'll be 4/4.
I can't live forever
With my head and my heart in the clouds
Top Pomeranian
Top Character
RappinHobo's alt until he gets bored with this one, deletes it, and uses another alt
Board 8 » The Winner of Best Video Game Character of the 2000s is.... MISSILE!