What four episodes are on the Family Guy Episodes Mount Rushmore?

Board 8

Write an episode of Family Guy where Phoenix Wright has to defend Peter Griffin in court against everything he's ever done on the show.

Title: Family Guy Episode "The Wright Defense"

Act 1: The Arrest

Opening Scene: The Griffin Family Home

Peter Griffin is lounging on the couch, watching TV, when the doorbell rings. Lois answers it to find Joe Swanson, the local cop and their friend, standing there with a serious expression.

Joe: Peter Griffin, you're under arrest!

Peter: (confused) What? What did I do this time?

Joe: Everything, Peter. You're being charged with all the chaos you've caused in Quahog over the years.

Cut to Peter being handcuffed and led to the police car. The Griffin family looks on in shock.

Scene Change: Quahog Courthouse

Peter is sitting nervously at the defense table. The judge enters and calls the court to order.

Judge: Peter Griffin, you are charged with numerous crimes ranging from public indecency to destruction of property. How do you plead?

Peter: (nervously) Uh, not guilty?

Judge: Very well. Who is your defense attorney?

Suddenly, the courtroom doors burst open, and Phoenix Wright, famous attorney, strides in confidently.

Phoenix: Your Honor, I am Phoenix Wright, and I will be defending Mr. Griffin.

Cut to the prosecution table where the prosecutor, Miles Edgeworth, looks on with determination.

Edgeworth: Wright, I hope youre ready for this. The evidence against Mr. Griffin is overwhelming.

Phoenix: (smirking) Well see about that.

End of Act 1

Act 2: The Case Against Peter

Scene: Courtroom

The trial begins with Edgeworth presenting a montage of Peter's misdeeds, including various clips from past episodes showing Peter causing chaos.

Edgeworth: As you can see, Mr. Griffin has a long history of reckless behavior. I call my first witness, Brian Griffin.

Brian takes the stand, looking conflicted.

Edgeworth: Brian, can you recount some of Peter's more destructive antics?

Brian: (sighs) Well, there was the time he burned down a hospital, and another time he started a cult...

Cut to Phoenix, who quickly stands up.

Phoenix: Objection! Brian, isnt it true that despite Peters antics, he has always shown love and loyalty to his family and friends?

Brian: (nodding) Yes, that's true. Peters heart is usually in the right place, even if his actions are... questionable.

The judge ponders this as Phoenix cross-examines other witnesses, including Quagmire, Cleveland, and even Stewie.

Stewie: (testifying) Yes, Peter is a complete buffoon, but hes our buffoon.

Phoenix: (to the jury) Ladies and gentlemen, what we have here is not a criminal mastermind, but a man whose eccentricity sometimes gets the better of him. Hes not malicious; hes misguided.

Cut to Edgeworth, who looks frustrated as the jury begins to show signs of doubt.

End of Act 2

Act 3: The Turning Point

Scene: Courtroom

Edgeworth presents his final piece of evidence: a compilation of Peter's worst moments.

Edgeworth: This footage clearly shows Peters disregard for public safety and order. He must be held accountable.

The jury looks convinced until Phoenix stands up for his closing argument.

Phoenix: Your Honor, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I ask you to consider the intention behind Peters actions. Yes, hes caused trouble, but he's also brought joy and laughter to those around him. Isnt it possible that Peter's eccentricity is a symptom of his unique charm?

Phoenix calls Lois to the stand.

Phoenix: Lois, can you tell the court about the Peter Griffin that you love?

Lois: (tearing up) Peter may be a handful, but hes a wonderful father and husband. Hes always there for us when it counts. He just... has a strange way of showing it.

The jury murmurs, clearly moved by Lois's testimony. Phoenix makes his final plea.

Phoenix: Let us not punish a man for being himself. Let us instead appreciate the laughter and love he brings to his community.

The jury deliberates and finally returns with a verdict.

Foreman: We find the defendant, Peter Griffin, not guilty.

The courtroom erupts in cheers. Peter hugs Phoenix.

Peter: Thanks, Phoenix. You saved my bacon!

Phoenix: Just doing my job, Peter.

Cut to the Griffin family celebrating outside the courthouse. Joe, Quagmire, Cleveland, and other friends join them.

Lois: (hugging Peter) Lets try to keep out of trouble from now on, okay?

Peter: (smiling) No promises!

The camera pans out as the friends and family laugh together.

End Credits Roll

Tag Scene:

Phoenix Wright is at The Drunken Clam with the guys.

Quagmire: So, Phoenix, ever thought about moving to Quahog?

Phoenix: (laughs) I think Ill stick to lawyering for now.

Peter: Hey, if you ever need a crazy case, you know where to find me!

Everyone laughs as the screen fades to black.

End of episode

(Oh no it wrote a clip show)