SBAllen never missed loading a Poll of the Day, you know...

Board 8

Board 8 » SBAllen never missed loading a Poll of the Day, you know...
They are automated based on site time to transition to the next one. But if there is no next one, nothing loads. I have no idea why this keeps happening. It's just something that's always been there...

I'm willing to forgive SBAllen's occasional minor typos since he at least always had the next one ready for us. Though there * was * that one legendary mishap early in his reign, that was funny. This is just sad.
Help control the pet population. Have your pets spayed or neutered!
RIP Bob Barker (1923 - 2023) - and thanks for all the memories.
It did happen occasionally. It is just that it would usually be fixed within an hour or two.

The new admins reluctantly manage this site as we were added onto their mostly meager workload.

But it would be unusual for them to care about us in the slightest in the middle of the night.
"First thing that crosses my mind: I didn't get any GameFAQs Karma yesterday." Math Murderer after getting his appendix removed.
red13n posted...
It did happen occasionally. It is just that it would usually be fixed within an hour or two.
This is probably why I don't remember it. SBAllen actually gave a shit, until he was overworked anyway, in which case there were other people who gave a shit.

The new overlords see us as a burden. It's only natural that this site will likely be gone in the next year or two, once they've scared away half of the remaining users.
Help control the pet population. Have your pets spayed or neutered!
RIP Bob Barker (1923 - 2023) - and thanks for all the memories.
We have a poll.
Azuarc is my favorite arc of the Game of the Decade 2020 anime.
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Yeah, it would occasionally happen, but it was usually corrected within the first hour.
Board 8 » SBAllen never missed loading a Poll of the Day, you know...