What four games are on the Metroidvanias Mount Rushmore?

Board 8

Write a sketch in which Phoenix Wright and Miles Edgeworth debate whether the genre should be called "Metroidvania" or "Search Action."

Title: The Great Genre Debate

[Scene: A courtroom with Phoenix Wright, Miles Edgeworth, the Judge, and a handful of spectators. The Judge bangs his gavel.]

Judge: Court is now in session. Todays case is an unusual one. Mr. Wright, Mr. Edgeworth, you are here to debate whether the genre should be called Metroidvania or Search Action. You may begin.

Phoenix Wright: Your Honor, the term Metroidvania has historical significance and a strong legacy in the gaming community. It's derived from the combination of two iconic series: Metroid and Castlevania. These games pioneered a unique style of gameplay that emphasizes exploration, power-ups, and nonlinear progression.

Miles Edgeworth: Objection! While Metroidvania does indeed have historical roots, it is also somewhat exclusionary and confusing to newcomers. Search Action is a more descriptive and straightforward term. It immediately conveys what the genre is aboutsearching for items and engaging in action.

Phoenix Wright: But Edgeworth, the term Metroidvania is already deeply ingrained in the gaming culture. Gamers worldwide understand and appreciate the homage to the classic games. Changing the name could alienate long-time fans.

Miles Edgeworth: Hold it! Just because a term is ingrained does not mean it is the most effective or clear. "Search Action" not only describes the gameplay elements precisely but also makes it easier for new players to understand what to expect. Its a term that speaks to a broader audience.

Phoenix Wright: But think about the emotional and nostalgic connections players have with Metroidvania. It evokes memories of discovering hidden areas, gaining new abilities, and the thrill of uncovering secrets. These games are about more than just searching and actiontheyre about the experience.

Miles Edgeworth: Exactly, Wright. And thats why we need a term that captures the essence of that experience without relying on specific titles. Search Action encompasses the exploratory and action-packed nature of the genre without tying it to just Metroid and Castlevania.

Phoenix Wright: You cant deny that Metroidvania has become a genre label that carries weight and respect. Its recognized by developers, critics, and gamers alike. Changing it might cause unnecessary confusion and dilute its meaning.

Miles Edgeworth: On the contrary, Wright. Evolution in language and terminology is essential for clarity and inclusivity. Search Action is an evolution that can help the genre grow and be more accessible. Its a term that reflects the core mechanics in a way that is universally understandable.

Judge: I see both sides have presented compelling arguments. The term Metroidvania certainly carries historical and emotional significance, while Search Action offers a more inclusive and descriptive alternative.

Spectator 1: Your Honor, if I may interjectcould we consider a compromise? Perhaps we could use both terms interchangeably for a period and see which resonates more with the community.

Judge: An intriguing suggestion. What do you think, Mr. Wright, Mr. Edgeworth?

Phoenix Wright: I think its worth a try. If it helps bridge the gap between old fans and new players, Im all for it.

Miles Edgeworth: Agreed. This way, we can honor the past while paving the way for the future.

Judge: Very well. The court concludes that both Metroidvania and Search Action shall be used interchangeably, and the communitys response will guide the final decision. Court is adjourned!

[Judge bangs gavel. Phoenix and Edgeworth shake hands, signaling a respectful truce. Spectators murmur in agreement.]

[End Scene]

(Hold that spectator in contempt of court)