ATTN: Backloggery users: Site remake launching Wednesday

Board 8

Barring any unforeseen issues, the current plan for launch is:
Launch the remake on Weds, May 22. During the conversion process, both sites will be down for roughly 4 hours.
Afterwards, the site remake will be live at the address.
The old site will remain live for one month's time at, but will be in a read-only mode. This is a last fallback in case of any undiscovered problems with the database conversion. Users can reference the old site if needed to verify or correct their data.
Some reminders for those just tuning in, if you're caught up feel free to skip to the changelog down below.
I once again highly recommend updating your systems if needed, as noted in the data migration posts linked below. >>>Especially if you're using PSN as a main system for any games.<<< Updating games from PSN to PS3 (PSN), for example, will keep your PSN games from being potentially converted to the wrong PlayStation system.
If you would prefer your game comments to be converted into Reviews instead of becoming part of the expanded game notes field, change your footer text to "Reviewer" without the quotes.